Each season we hear a familiar sound...a rushing of wings, ungodly screams and a thunderous flapping as our flock of Amazon parrots comes home to roost in the big trees in our neighborhood. The flock has grown each year, and there appears to be around a hundred parrots in it this year.

They like the big specimen pine in Tim and Ernie's yard next door, as well as the big Dutch elm. They came circling in from the north of us, flying over the house and swooping in amongst the jacarandas, screaming all the while. The noise is sometimes deafening, and I always have to laugh at how hard they work at flying. Their wings flap madly, set dead center on their stout green bodies, and the screeching goes on the entire time, as if to say, "I know if I stop flapping like this, I'll fall right out of the sky..."

Alain managed to snap a few pictures with his big Canon, capturing this one coming in a few feet off our deck...

Getting ready to land in the big elm next door. He and another parrot lingered there for a few minutes, resting and preening until time for their next mad flight...

Time to go! He's off for another flight around the neighborhood, roosting in some large fruit trees at the top of the hill, I think...
We too have noticed these guys in our neighborhood as well, what a chatty bunch they are! Kinda reminds me of Lily when we have classes!
OMG!! when I saw this I thought it was in Australia!! Awesome.
Oh I remember them when we lived in Pasadena 30 years ago - thanks for stirring up the memory.
Maybe you can chase a few parrots of that large flock over our way, I would LOVE to see them sitting in our trees! That is definitely not something you see every day. The best that our woods can come up with for bird noise and color are the woodpeckers! :-) Enjoy them while they are there!! The pictures are great, by the way. hugs, Debby
I think these birds flew over Buttercup Cottage on their way.
I'm going to visit on Saturday, Can't wait!!
See ya Saturday
These birds are great! How cool is it that they return each year?!! Great pics! Thanks for sharing!!
Hello neighbor! I love our noisy green friends - the pictures you posted that your friend took are wonderful! I can never seem to get a good look at the parrots with my myopic peepers. :) Thank you for having the Lily in Fullerton, I love that I can walk down the street to get the supplies I need for my art. Thank you! -annaliesa
One morning about two months ago I was awakened or shall I say STARTLED from my slumber by LOUD constant screeches. I rushed to the side of the house where the sound was the loudest, thinking my wicked cat was torturing some prehistoric bird only to see movement from high above my Magnolia tree. Can't be my cat. As I strained my weary eyes I see 3 large birds. Two large parrots like the ones pictured above methodically, joyfully and loudly picking at Magnolia pods. The other a hovering mad hawk repremanding the parrots for being in his neighborhood! Where do we live? Aren't parrots only suppose to be in the tropics? Is this climate change made visible?
Nice pics by the way!
They are something else, aren't they!
The OC is a long way from the Amazon!
I saw a bunch of them on a telephone line...they had the crows in such a dither!
m ^..^
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