In the still, hot days of summer that were the stuff of last week, our little Noodge succumbs to the heat and looks for some place to flop. Last week it was the big leather chair that sits in the corner of our office at home. The leather must have felt cool and she kept a favorite barkcloth pillow cover nearby for comfort and emotional support during this trying time...

Alas, naps do not last forever. A phone rings, a chair creaks, someone gets up to move a file or get a disk (how dare they?) and her slumber is disturbed. One eye peeps open, her legs twitch a little, and she eyes me balefully...

Alas, sleep is gone, eluding her for the next 15 minutes at least. She will slip off again once the interruptions have stopped and the soft tap of the keypads lulls her back to sleep...
Thank goodness for little Noodge and my Beau the weather has cooled off a little. {I'm happy about it too!} :)
ps. listening to your "blog" music today in the office.
xo Lidy
Hi Nanc!
I love your little pup's blanket. Is it made from vintage fabric?
too cute!
Noodge definitely has my vote for "cutest dog"!! How sweet these photos are. Give her a hug from me. XOXO Debby
Hi Nanc:
I just came from Robin's blog and saw the post about The Lily!!! How cool is that? It is sad I have not seen nor heard from you is so long; being unhealthful is not conducive to going anywhere : (
Li Noodge is too cute.
See you on the 26th & 27th. I am so %^$*&% excited to meet Colleen Moody!!!
Take care
Your baby loves to nap just like mione!!!
You have some fab ladies in your shop teaching.
What a very cute little dog. Nice capture!!!
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